Monday, November 1, 2010

Where are all my girls?

Now I've always considered myself 'one of the guys' because I'm pretty tomboy-ish, but I'm pretty bummed when I'm at the gym hitting the weights among ALL MEN.  Where are you, ladies???  Let me cover some fitness truths to you gals, so that you aren't afraid to join us at the dumbell racks.  1.  Lifting weights will NOT make you big.  You're not going to go from squishy to jacked just by lifting weights.  When I was training for competition I was lifting as much as the big boys in the gym and wearing KIDS CLOTHES I was so small.  2.  Muscle atrophies (fancy word for 'get's smaller') as you age and as you sit around, so increasing the amount of muscle you have will increase your metabolism.  3.  Muscle weighs more than fat, so you may gain some weight but you STILL will not get BIG.  Example:  Before I trained for competition I was a size 8 and weighed 140.  At competition, I weighed 140 still but was wearing a little girl's size 14 pants!  So I gained muscle weight and got smaller, got it?  4.  Lifting weights can help with bone density.  I could go on and on about calcium, bone loss, etc, but will save that for another day.  Just take my word for it, some weight training is much better for you than your calcium pill!  5.  This is the best one of all, I think.  Working out with weights makes your body burn food more efficiently.  I eat as much or more than my husband who weighs 175.  (I weigh 140 still)  I never gain weight, even though I'm stuffing my face all day!  (With the right foods, most of the time.)  So ladies.... If you need help with instruction, email me!  I'll give you a weight lifting program to start, FOR FREE.  If you need help understanding the machines and how they work, ask a trainer at your gym.  Don't be shy, and pretty soon, you'll be stronger, leaner, and also 'one of the guys.'


  1. I do miss the days when I could bench my body weight of 130 lbs.
    wish we lived closer, I'd go to the gym with you.

  2. hmmm... that's wierd.. i didn't write that, and don't know who did! feeling pretty silly right now!
