Monday, November 8, 2010

15 miles a day, 7 days a week for 15 years!

Have you ever seen the show called ‘Obsessed?’  Well, one time there was a mother of 5 who was compulsively exercising and anorexic.  I was so moved by her story.  She had been walking on her treadmill 12-15 miles a day, 7 days a week for 15 YEARS.  That’s right.  15 years.  The only days off she took were the days she GAVE BIRTH to her kids.  For those moms out there, imagine walking 15 miles the day after giving birth.  WOW.  She also only ate once a day at 2:30am.  Many of her kids had NEVER seen her eat.  EVER.  Isn’t that so sad?  Anyway, I’m posting her story because I think there are some hard truths that need to be shared.  1.  This poor woman was sort of thin, but not to the point where you would say, Oh my, she’s anorexic!  There are thousands of people out there that have eating disorders that are ignored because they just don’t look sick enough on the outside.  I think that’s terrible.  Eating disorders are a serious disease and are very hard to overcome.  These people need our support and compassion.  2.  Her whole family suffered from her compulsion to be on her treadmill most of the day.  I can’t imagine my daughter playing outside with her father while I am so compelled by my workout program that I have to stay inside just to knock out some mileage.  3.  She was probably so close to having a heart attack from her poor nutrition habits.  Not only is there a mental strain on someone who has compulsion issues, there is a very serious physical threat as well.  4.  She was obviously very depressed.  Even though she was SO DEDICATED to her fitness and diet regimen, she was one of the saddest people I had ever seen.  Folks, please.... Let’s all agree to exercise for GOOD HEALTH first.  Shouldn’t that be the number one driving force to get active?  As for diet, I have one word for you:  MODERATION.  Have some dessert now and again, or enjoy happy hour with your friends.  Exercise for the rush of feeling your heart beating fast, or the wind in your hair as you run outside, or dancing your booty off in a zumba class.  I know we all want to look our best, but a life of balance brings the best results of all.


  1. That is very sad! I hope she got did the show end?

  2. the show ended with her trying to only do 3 miles a day and she started eating with her family a little. she has a long road, but she seemed a bit happier and appeared to be really trying.
